domingo, 10 de mayo de 2015

Why the teenagers are living on the streets?


The worst situation you can live a father is that his son escape from his house at midnight, in the week at any time, this type of result is due to family problems, personal conflicts, fighting between father, mother and son conflict school all This type of problem is reason for teens to take into account escape from their homes, as well as some type of drug for which this attracted each of adolescents and is consumed by it, and bad influences come to have much on this factor.
Any teenager can run at any time if the reasons and / or circumstances become appropriate for them to escape it. If all this can be justified under stress teenager fleeing.
For this, the teenager must have 3 things in mind: willpower, ability and opportunity to escape to get to do, teens meet 2 out of 3 requirements as mentioned above so that the only thing lacking for aria This would willpower to finally run away from home.
This situation can develop by many ... many reasons as those mentioned above and this could be a very stressful situation for teenagers, become afraid and realize the consequences of such acts can be fatal.
For more information see this link:


The consequences of which escapes these guys is for the reason that their parents vote because they become tainted with drugs that are influenced by friends who are in the street or at school given that the causes are given by which parents throw them to be in this type of addiction and also because teenagers want to have her own freedom without anyone tells you and do what he pleases
The following table shows the age of each of the children and adolescents, by gender and race, estimation etc. They come to escape, vote or run away from their homes


Teens who are in the street does not always become because they tend to be poor and without financial budget, come to be there on the ground who need more than follow orders, they want freed and also an addiction that ultimately led be there on those streets abandoned without anyone doing anything about them except to take the decision to return home.

For more information see this link

Questions about the topic:
What extent we are willing to endure the conflicts of our home to find out if it becomes correct flee our home or find someone to help me?

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