domingo, 10 de mayo de 2015

How to solve this situation?

This situation between the runaways and thrownaways is a very important issue for the world, because some countries search for solutions to eliminate them completely. For this reason in nations like EEUU where this problems are common in the teens, they have created institutions to help the youth that are living in the streets due the disintegration in their family or even for the physical, verbal and sexual abuse that they suffered in their houses.

The most relevant institutions of this type in EEUU are:
Ø Minnesota Association of Runaway Youth Services (MARYS)

Ø National Runaway Safeline (NRS)

Ø Wisconsin Association for Homeless Runaway Services (WAHRS)

But these associations could be unnecessary in our society, because exist many ways to stop the increase of teenagers homeless and solve this problem as describe below:

Ø The parents have to supervising in all moment the attitudes and behavior of their sons and daughters, identifying if exist changes in them.

Ø Activities aimed the parents and their children about the violence, sexual abuse and the drug addiction.

Ø Carrying out programs that try to take the children of the urban environment, with the support of families and communities, and stressing education because is the most important thing for them.

Ø In the house the parents have to be the example for their children, they should not to show problem in the home, or thing like drugs, alcohol.

All this advices are necessary to prevent the runaways and thrownaways teens.

When the problem is done, the possible solutions for solve this situation and help these teenagers are:
Ø Food programs
Ø Medical aid
Ø Legal assistance
Ø Street education
Ø Family reunification
Ø Night shelters

However we should not to forget that the problem start in the house but the solution can be here too.

Questions about the topic:
Do you know any other way to prevent the increase of these young people?
In your city exist campaigns to prevent the increase of the runaways and thrownaways teens?
What do you think about the institutions that help to these teenagers?

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