lunes, 22 de junio de 2015

First world problems


First World Problems. ACTIVITY 3

Imagine going back 50 years in time and playing this rap to someone living in the past. How would react to the language and the ideas presented?

  • laptop                                       
  • wifi
  • google buzz
  • roomba
  • touch screen
  • starbucks
  • washing machine 

link of the rap:

First world problems. Activity 2

Are you able to follow the language used? Why/why not? What is the language like? How familiar are you with the vocabulary and expressions used? What is the rhythm like? Are you able to tap it?   

1.- Yes, we are able to follow the language used in some parts because he used common words easy to understand but at same time he is so fluently that we can´t understand at all

2.- It's a common language that is spoken by many teenagers so could be an informal language.

3.- We are not able to tap it. just André  considered himself able to do it. The rhythm calls the attention because it´s sticky,funny and moved.


First world problem. Activity 1

Can you identify words that rhyme?

  • back - jack
  • there - tupperware
  • lunch - punch
  • wi-fi - why try?
  • cooler - ruler
  • was - Buzz
  • bowl - control
  • wings - thing
  • missed out - fell out
  • seen - machine
  • shake it - bake it
  • sheets - receipts
  • close - prose
  • issue - tissue

Link of the rap: